What is your soul’s destiny? Discover if you are out of alignment with your purpose.
Are you wondering whether you’re living up to your soul’s potential?
- Do you feel like there has to be more out there for you than the life you’re leading, but you don’t have the inspiration and courage to be bolder with your life?
- Have you got a decision to make in life – whether that be to do with your relationships, career or where you’re living or how you spend your time and you feel completely stuck on how to move forward?
- Do you feel like you keep facing the same old issues and unhelpful old patterns time and time again and you can’t seem to break free?
- Are you struggling to make sense of why something happened in your life?
Then a spirit session is what you need.
What are Spirit Sessions?
Your Soul has a larger and more vast perspective of your life, than you do. It’s like seeing the view from the penthouse vs. looking out the first floor.
Before we are born, we all go into this lifetime with a Soul Contract. It details the life we are destined to lead and the lessons we are here to learn along the way. Your soul knows everything that you have lived through and everything that is to come. Take my hand and we’ll take the elevator up to the penthouse and get some insight into your soul.
We’ll connect with your higher self and your soul guides to get the answers you seek.
Imaginedirect access to the divine part of yourself
We’ll dive deep into your core issues and restore your lost soul power by releasing and clearing old worn out patterns, fears and ancestral imprints and re-imprint your soul code with the divine light frequency of your Soul Contract. I will help you remember your soul purpose and how to manifest it properly. You will start to celebrate the amazing being that you are and the beautiful soul work you will do.
Areas you could explore
You may be wondering whether you’ve found your soulmate or a settling. You may be still searching for your soulmate and don’t know how to find him/her. You may be struggling in your relationships with children or other family members and are unsure how to fix things. Maybe you’ve been feeling lonely and lost during times in your life. Are you destined for love and belonging in this lifetime, or is this a lifetime of solitude? Has someone in your life gone missing and you seek answers to where they are and what may have happened to them?
Do you feel like you were meant to do something more meaningful with your work – the main thing you are spending your precious time? Sometimes we fall into career paths we don’t feel particularly passionate about or purposeful in doing. Get some direction from your soul on what pathway you should be exploring. You may also be having difficulties financially or are unsure what to invest your money in to fulfill your souls potential.
If you’re feeling the challenges of this strong evolutionary shift of energies the planet is enduring and also feeling fears from what has already taken place in order to elevate earth’s frequency, then a Soul Session that focuses on your soul work can be incredibly beneficial to transforming that old energy into a new soul retrieval of awareness through your Soul Contract energy work. Let’s remove the fear and refocus your soul on what you truly need to do in this life.
Are you going through a health struggle at this time and you’re wondering how to feel better and why your soul chose this? Is someone near and dear to you going through the health concern? Illness is a very important teacher. It has a way of clarifying what’s really important in this life. Perhaps you’re struggling mentally or emotionally from your past and want to heal and forgive.
All sessions are non-refundable; by clicking the final payment purchase button you agree to our no refunds policy.
Keep reading to learn more about how the booking process works.
How the booking process works
Select your session type from the three options here.
It is not possible to refund your session after you have purchased it – this is due to Moon’s spiritual information process being received by your Guides about your Soul Contract before your reading with your Guides begins, even though she doesn’t know who you are before the session takes place. This takes energy to obtain and if a retract on a session takes place, that is information wasted, as well as time that could of been spent with another client needing a session. Once she has started this process with your Guides and invested that time with them on your reading, a refund is not possible. Please visit our No Refunds Policy page here.
Moon’s approach
Moon has been reading client soul contracts since 2014. Her desire to help others and the honesty in her teachings are what pulls so many people to listen and learn from her. Moon communicates messages EXTREMELY differently than any other ‘reader’ out there, so we ask that you please do not come into the session with expectations of a specific way of being read that you may be used to by other ‘readers.’ This will be a whole new experience for you to explore.
Moon does NOT perform psychic readings or read fortunes. She does NOT implant spiritual information out of divine timing which is what you may get by going to someone who does perform this type of reading. It can be a gambling risk with your soul journey, if not performed properly. To gain future insight, one MUST have access and clearance to your own personal Soul Database, Life Book, or Soul Contracts. If they do not, they can tamper with your Free Will and the path you are MEANT to take in life and learn from correctly.
“I knew in my heart I had to talk to Moon.”
I don’t even know how to thank Moon enough. For the past couple of weeks, I could feel the fear and darkness consume my heart and soul. I thought that I could handle the misery to get through, but I couldn’t sleep at night and cried throughout the days because of the fear for the present and future.
I knew in my heart that I had to talk to Moon to get help for myself. Without saying a word, Moon could see the dark cloud of fear hovering above my soul and distress with chaos in my aura. Throughout discussion, she showed me how to cleanse my auric debris and to use prayer to bring peace within.
I never slept so good before and now my days ahead are filled with love, light and peace.”
– Bethany Gormont
My daughter and I had a reading with Moon a few months after my son went missing. We scheduled a missing person’s session. She had informed us that my son had already been communicating with her earlier that morning. She confirmed what we already knew in our hearts to be true. He was no longer with us. She knew details of his disappearance and murder that she couldn’t have possibly known because law enforcement had not put any of those details in the media, newspaper, or radio because law enforcement didn’t even believe, at the time, that he was murdered. My dad and brother also came through, as well. Moon said my dad was making jokes that really weren’t very funny, lol! The water bottles we had with us kept popping. She explained that Bj was with us and showing his presence by walking by and his energy was making them pop. It made us laugh because that was definitely his sense of humor. I have learned so much from her that I wish I had known for years.
To this day, Moon continues to give me messages from my son that I will forever be grateful for.
I thank GOD every night, as I say my prayers, for helping Bj to lead us to finding Moon so she could bring us his messages and for everything she did for us to help find his remains. Thank you Moon for everything. I Love Youl!!!”