An energy alignment reading of sacred love for powerful intention & renewed transformation

Are you truly ready?
- Do you feel alone and lonely, even when you are in a relationship?
- Do you feel unloved, unappreciated, and lost on many levels?
- Do you feel stuck in the path you find yourself currently?
- Do you feel that your past relationships have been a journey of both pain and anxiety or even traumatic, hurtful experiences?
- Are you cycling in repetitive relationship patterns while pulling in the same kind of experiences, over and over again?
- Do you attract partners, family, and friends that are consistently out of alignment and are not on the same page as your soul’s desire or wants?
I’m now offering my newest spiritual divine love download alignment session.
It is designed to help aid you in releasing all that no longer serves you while simultaneously upgrading and aligning your soul to becoming a more vibrational match to your divine tribe and soul partner.
Pull towards yourself, exactly what you want and need!

IÂ Â invite you on this love journey…
This is a process I have personally endured myself when I knew my soul was ready to receive real divine love. I literally sat myself down, metaphorically, and aligned my intentions to pull in the ‘right’ kind of energy, with the ‘right’ kind of people, and the ‘right’ kind of experiences I was meant to learn from. In less than a few weeks, the love of my life, Justin, was suddenly sitting across from me in a booth… and as it turned out, he’d been subconsciously pulling me into his life, too.
After letting go of many toxic people in my life, Yvonne walked through my shop doors. I set my intentions out into the universe to pull in the ‘right’ energy with the ‘right’ person who could support my mission and experience the ‘right’ paths with. She was that person! She became my very best friend who I could trust and who would never think of hurting me in any way. I would like the opportunity to help you align to the right energy that will pull the right people to you who contribute these same attributes and support your mission in this life.
I’ve endured unloving, self centered people who used me on many levels, for many years. Mainly for my gifts or what I could do for them. So, the Divine Love Session I’m offering is extremely dear to me! It is a reading filled with guidance to help you connect with your true path of love. I want you to feel love on many levels but you must first understand that we attract what we are inside, not what we want. In order to pull in what you truly want, you will need to become the sacred union within your own self. This begins with self – love. Our first step in this process is to discover the blocks and holdbacks that keep you from aligning with your true path. With what we discover and unearth, just might surprise even you!
What is involved

Divine Sacred Space
Clearing from pain, trauma, emotional wounds, & unwanted energies from past lovers and relationships with others. Healing the divine feminine/masculine toxic imprinting.

Connect to the Soul of Your Divine Partner or Tribe
Clearing from pain, trauma, emotional wounds, & unwanted energies from past lovers and relationships with others. Healing the divine feminine/masculine toxic imprinting.

Letting Go of Past Hurts & Reframing Old Energy
Clearing and cutting cords from past relationships, releasing resistive patterning & belief systems that we hold around relationships and utilizing the power of forgiveness to release and transcend old hurts & pain.

Upgrading & Healing the Sacred Divine Union While Stepping Into Your True Power
Connecting to your divine sacred essence while upgrading aspects and archetypes that may have served you to survive in the past but are now limiting your present and future.

Utilizing Your Divine Essence to Heal the Coming Sacred Union or Tribe
Utilizing your divine essence to heal your divine feminine/masculine imprinting; bringing these potent energies into wholeness and balance so that you are now housing this divine union within you, thus making you a complete vibrational match to pull in your divine partner or soul tribe.

Visualizing Your Sacred Union
In this meditative transmission, we open the field of imagination; daring to dream up and create what you fully deserve your union to look and feel like. This gives the opportunity to be brave and bold. Remember – what you want, wants you.
All sessions are non-refundable; by clicking the final payment purchase button you agree to our no refunds policy.
Keep reading to learn more about how the booking process works.
This is for you, if…
- You are ready to step into your true soul essence, sacred union, and partnership
- You are ready to let go of old toxic energy that no longer serves your highest power
- You are ready to take on your mission and all that it endures
- You are ready to embrace new soul vibrations and people who benefit and support your soul’s life path
- You are ready for change
- You are ready to stop cycling and feeling low and depressed
- You are ready to set aside the time and commitment it takes to truly devote yourself to this process of alignment
- You are ready to feel supported, loved, cherished, and held by divine love
- You are worthy to receive exactly what is in your heart and what your soul desires for you. Let’s light up your world with divine love and sacred soul union(s).
How the booking process works
Add your session to the shopping cart.
It is not possible to refund your session after you have purchased it – this is due to Moon’s spiritual information process being received by your Guides about your Soul Contract before your reading with your Guides begins, even though she doesn’t know who you are before the session takes place. This takes energy to obtain and if a retract on a session takes place, that is information wasted, as well as time that could of been spent with another client needing a session. Once she has started this process with your Guides and invested that time with them on your reading, a refund is not possible. Please visit our No Refunds Policy page here.
Moon’s approach
Moon has been reading client soul contracts since 2014. Her desire to help others and the honesty in her teachings are what pulls so many people to listen and learn from her. Moon communicates messages EXTREMELY differently than any other ‘reader’ out there, so we ask that you please do not come into the session with expectations of a specific way of being read that you may be used to by other ‘readers.’ This will be a whole new experience for you to explore.
Moon does NOT perform psychic readings or read fortunes. She does NOT implant spiritual information out of divine timing which is what you may get by going to someone who does perform this type of reading. It can be a gambling risk with your soul journey, if not performed properly. To gain future insight, one MUST have access and clearance to your own person Soul Database, Life Book, or Soul Contracts. If they do not, they can tamper with your Free Will and the path you are MEANT to take in life and learn from correctly.
All sessions are non-refundable; by clicking the final payment purchase button you agree to our no refunds policy.